
Top Reasons Brands Need Ambassadors for Holiday Campaigns in 2024

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The holiday season isn’t just busy—it’s the most important sales period of the year. With intense competition and consumer behavior changing rapidly, brands need strategies that stand out and drive results. Traditional paid ads alone aren’t cutting it anymore. That’s where ambassador marketing and holiday brand ambassadors comes in.

In this article, we’ll walk you through how ambassadors can be the key to boosting sales and brand visibility. You’ll learn why leveraging a community can unlock unprecedented growth, especially when time is tight.

Why Holiday Campaigns Need Brand Ambassadors

There’s no doubt—ambassadors amplify everything. From driving awareness to encouraging purchases, they deliver real impact.

The holidays are no exception.

This time of year is all about trust, urgency, and authenticity, and brand ambassadors excel in all three.

Here’s why:

  • Word of Mouth Drives Holiday Purchases: 76% of people say that they’re more likely to trust content shared by “normal” people than by brands. Ambassadors provide that crucial social proof just when people are ready to spend.
  • People Trust People: Authentic recommendations feel more genuine than a flashy ad. With ambassadors sharing personal experiences, shoppers are more likely to buy.
  • Boosted Visibility, Fast: Ambassadors post across multiple platforms, bringing your brand directly to new audiences. When combined with community engagement, this can quickly generate buzz at scale.
holiday brand ambassadors

The Problem with Traditional Paid Ads Alone

Paid ads are expensive, and during the holiday season, CPC skyrockets, making it harder to achieve ROI. Many consumers are also growing wary of overly promotional content.

That’s why blending ambassador and community marketing with PPC campaigns is crucial. While PPC can drive traffic, it’s authentic content and user-generated posts that convert followers into loyal customers.

Key takeaway: Ambassadors don’t replace paid ads—they enhance and validate your paid campaigns with real stories and relatable content.

how ambassadors can be the key to boosting sales and brand visibility
92% of consumers trust word of mouth recommendations over any other form of advertising

Top Benefits of Using Ambassadors in 2024 Holiday Campaigns

Ambassador programs aren’t just a trend—they’re becoming essential.

Let’s dive into the specific ways they boost holiday campaigns:

1. Ambassadors Create Authentic UGC That Converts

User-generated content (UGC) from ambassadors adds credibility. 92% of consumers trust UGC more than traditional advertising. Ambassadors generate photos, videos, and testimonials that are more impactful than stock creatives.

  • Pro tip: Encourage ambassadors to share their own unboxing experiences or gift recommendations—UGC like this can easily go viral during the holidays.

2. Community Engagement Drives Repeat Sales

When ambassadors foster community, customers feel part of something bigger. Engaged customers are 60% more likely to repurchase (source: HubSpot). The stronger your community, the more likely shoppers are to return after their first holiday purchase.

3. Ambassadors Scale Faster than Internal Teams

Launching a full-blown holiday campaign takes time—time you might not have. But with a network of holiday brand ambassadors, your message spreads faster than any in-house team could achieve alone. The ambassadors become an extension of your marketing team, without the overhead.

Case study highlight: Mad Rabbit scaled to 4,500 ambassadors, growing revenue 3x in a single month! Imagine what similar results could do for your brand during the holidays. Read more here.

Holiday Campaigns Demand Speed and Precision—Ambassadors Deliver Both

The holiday season moves fast. With last-minute shopping spikes, brands need campaigns that can pivot instantly. Ambassadors offer that flexibility.

  • Quick product launches: They spread the word as soon as new items drop.
  • Real-time feedback: Ambassadors provide insights from customers that help brands adjust messaging on the go.
  • FOMO and urgency: Ambassadors fuel limited-time offers by creating buzz and showcasing demand.

+Read More: How the Lack of Brand Ambassador Software Could Be Costing Your Business Money

The message is simple: If you’re not using ambassadors this holiday season, you’re leaving money on the table.

How to Get Started with an Ambassador Program Before the Holidays

It’s not too late to implement an ambassador program that makes an impact. Here’s a quick guide to getting started:

  • Identify Your Ideal Ambassadors: Look for engaged fans, loyal customers, or niche influencers who already love your brand.
  • Create Incentives for Sharing: Offer exclusive discounts, early access, or free products in exchange for authentic content.
  • Build a Simple Community Strategy: Host private online groups or events to keep ambassadors connected and motivated.
  • Combine PPC & UGC for Maximum Impact: Run ads featuring ambassador content to boost both credibility and reach.

🎁 Want to build a powerful ambassador community in time for the holidays?

Don’t Miss Out—Your Holiday Sales Depend on It

The holidays only come around once a year, and every missed opportunity is a lost sale.

Traditional ads alone won’t cut it—ambassadors are the key to standing out.

If you want to drive serious business this holiday season, it’s time to take action. Talk to one of our specialists today to learn how we can help you build an ambassador program that delivers real results.

Don’t wait until it’s too late! Book a demo now and discover how our ambassador programs can unlock your brand’s potential this holiday season.





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